Create Art with Artificial Intelligence – 8 solutions

Areas such as creativity and art have long been considered the domain of human creativity. But AI has long since found its way here as well. She has already composed entire music albums, written screenplays and painted pictures.
What all of these techniques have in common is that they are based on neural networks – i.e. systems that are fed with a great deal of information and create new works on this basis.

The market for art generators has been in flux in recent years. We present some striking, up-to-date solutions. Suggestions are welcome.


OpenAI conducts fundamental, long-term research toward the creation of safe AGI. More than one million people are using DALL·E, the AI system that generates original images and artwork from a natural language description, as a creative tool today. Artists have already created remarkable images with the new Outpainting feature, and helped us better understand its capabilities in the process.

Is a set of tools which make it possible to explore different AI algorithms. We focus on creative tools for visual content generation like those for merging image styles and content or such as Deep Dream which explores the insight of a deep neural network.

3. NightCafe

It is free and allows you to create up to five images per day. Its interface is simple, perfect for any type of user.

4. Starryai

Generate art simply by describing what you want to see and our Artificial Intelligence transforms your words into art. This platform offers the option of focusing the results to be able to market the images in NFT.

5. DeepAI

Open Source Software.


It is one of the most popular, as it combines writing and design tools. All images can be used for other commercial projects as they are royalty free.

7. Midjourney

It stands out for the high quality of images it offers as a result of user queries. The system of this tool operates within Discord.

8. Craiyon

It is free and available in several languages. Works best when using simple phrases, as it is not as sophisticated as other generators.